Feb 28, 2017
Do you do things out of obligation or fear? If something doesn’t feel right, do you do it anyway? Do you struggle to understand and know what your truth is? Learn tips to honor your truth and clear clutter in your life.
Certified life coach, author & award-winning professional life organizer Julie Coraccio shares...
Feb 21, 2017
How well do you take care of yourself? Are you the first one to always support someone else and usually the last person to help yourself? Is there anything toxic in your life you are ready to release? Are you challenged when it coms to paying attention to yourself and tuning in to what you need? Learn tips for...
Feb 18, 2017
Do you feel that if you believe it you can achieve it? How does someone have a strong enough faith and stay so focused to make their dreams a reality? Who are you surrounding yourself with to be successful? Do you appreciate what you have and the opportunities that come your way? Former NFL Player Perry Williams...
Feb 14, 2017
Are you your own best friend or your own worst enemy? When learning something new do you talk kindly to yourself or do you scold yourself for not getting everything immediately right? If a close friend heard the way you talk to yourself what would they say? Clear some clutter by learning positive self talk.
Feb 7, 2017
Do you keep gifts you dislike because you are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings? Would you like to clear some physical clutter but afraid someone will visit and notice you don’t have their gift? Are you holding onto something you don’t use because you paid a lot of money for it? Are you ready to let the...